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Printing Trends SA 2022: Targeted Advertising For Better Customer Satisfaction Results

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  • Printing Trends SA 2022: Targeted Advertising For Better Customer Satisfaction Results
printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

Printing trends SA are directing the future of online printing, digital advertising, and how we keep our customers happy according to the times. Adaptability is the secret to 2022. To be successful in this time of uncertainty we are striving to prove our agility as a company by taking digital transformation to the level of the average worker.

Our multifunction printers help facilitate the full process of digitisation from beginning to end. Better yet, our partnership with the digital marketing agency, Midnight Monkey, allows us to extend our service offering to fit a more holistic digital printing and advertising experience.

Our environment has changed drastically over the past two years which is why printing trends SA are appearing quickly. We do our best to keep moving forward to adapt to digital transformation trends influencing printing and imaging services. These changes are not disruptive but progressive. Printing trends SA has brought faster processing power, better printing quality, and connectivity.

Between the widespread trend of working remotely and the transition to digital advertising and online printing – we have developed a more customer-centric approach by offering a full suite of digital solutions for home working situations and small to medium enterprises.

Printing Trends SA Introduces The Digital Era

AI (Artificial Intelligence), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Digital Advertising are grabbing all the attention today and are continuing to evolve as effective communication tools.

But where does that leave the printing industry?

According to printing trends SA, despite the less spoken nature of printing, we will see a huge boom in automation, a greater use of embellishment, and a continued growth in online print purchasing and development of webshops among key drivers.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

Therefore, we are confident that even during these unprecedented times printing services will maximise their service delivery and customer satisfaction through targeted advertising and digital production.

Besides, a huge part of our strategy is creating services like mobile print, Bizhub remote access, and remote panel. This allows companies to turn their multifunctional device into a smart-technology hub that enables the secure flow of data and insights to ease collaboration across physical spaces including the office and home.

Globally, businesses are favouring cloud or wireless printing and IoT with the multifunctional device (MFD) becoming commoditised in the process.

Instantly, we have adapted from the traditional commodity selling to a solutions partner by providing value-add services like virtual tools, applications, and the ability to share documents to the Cloud, integration to office 365, Dropbox, and Google Workplace.

Top 10 Digital Advertising & Printing Trends SA

Here are ten printing and digital marketing trends we can look out for over the next year.

1. Cross-Channel Communications Require Printing Services

Printing trends SA predicts that there is going to be an increase in demand for complete start-to-finish manufacturing processes with more all-in-one solutions along with a need for production devices that need less-skilled operators.

Undoubtedly, the printing industry will play a vital role in cross-channel communications, including evolving areas like robotics, IoT, AI, and mobile devices.

We will see print technology transform in ways that extend beyond graphics and packaging. Printing trends SA forecast that printing is useful for areas including wallpaper, laminated printing, and décor. Inkjet textiles, ceramic printing, printed electronics, glass, automotive and transport, life sciences and biomedical are areas that forward-thinking printers may look to enter.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

2. Customer Satisfaction Is A Priority

There is more freedom now we do not have such strict lockdown laws tying us down. It is exciting because we can now play with diverse ways to market directly to the consumer.

We understand that brands will also increasingly use digital to supply more engagement and achieve greater interest in their products all in a more sustainable environment.

Therefore, we have responded quickly with highly automated systems that produce smaller quantities as a way of succeeding and helping brands satisfy the rapidly changing demands of their own customers.

3. Simplify Production To Meet Rapid Response Demands

Printing trends SA is encouraging the advertising and printing industries to align strategies and tactics with the forces influencing competition and customer expectations.

Alignment is essential, while at the same time simplifying production processes to meet rapid response demands from an ever-more discerning client base. Software is also a crucial part of the desire for increased profitability.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

4. Rethink Label And Packaging Possibilities

According to printing trends SA businesses are looking for innovative and engaging print solutions for commercial and industrial applications.

Digital printing is expanding into most print-for-profit applications and in labels and packaging. Toner printing and inkjet are available in a variety of forms, with monthly duty cycles ranging from the equivalent of thousands of A4s per month up to hundreds of millions.

In addition, we have partnered with a digital marketing agency, Midnight Monkey which is ahead of the game when it comes to digital advertising.

Since we provide global support delivered locally and work closely with our customers and brands in a partnership approach – it is our mission to help rethink print possibilities holistically and digitally.

5. Putting Digital To The Test

We can tell from the printing trends SA that digitalisation is only gaining strength. In fact, we see endless opportunities. Besides, digital marketing has always been a more affordable form of advertising making it a desirable choice for businesses.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

The challenge is that the space gets cluttered, and ads are becoming more like spam or wallpaper. Therefore, we do not always notice them. That is why you need to have seriously ‘out-of-the-box,’ risky or imaginative content to stand out in this space because viewers will overlook anything average.

Having said that, printing trends SA and digital marketing are diverse which may cause a lot of overwhelming feelings.

That is why Konica Minolta Gauteng and Midnight Monkey can provide expertise in making you stand out from your competitors online through:

6. Technology Is Being Used For Different Applications

We refer to printing trends SA because they are examples of why digital printing is the technology of choice for so many different applications and in so many diverse markets.

Better yet, digitalisation will continue to gain ground over the traditional litho territory. Commercial printers must expand their digital print service offerings as traditional offset or flexo volumes over time.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

Industry experts suggest that the analogue to digital print transformation continues, with the Covid-19 pandemic accelerating the change as a time to market and responsiveness are increasingly important.

In 2015, digital methods accounted for 13.3% of the global print market value and 2.3% of the print area, with the bulk being in graphics book printing, books, and labels.

However, By 2030 the digital packaging sector will grow significantly, and the digital share value will be 23.1% which will account for 6.3% of print volume. The value is the prize for companies adopting the technology.

7. Meet Requirements Of An Evolving Print Market

At Konica Minolta Gauteng, we are justifiably proud of being at the top of the distribution chain for printers and multi-function devices.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

Our CEO, Jason Kupritz says the clients at KMG are well-versed in the digital world and the future of printing. Over the past few years, there is a clear trend where clients are combining digital storage with hard copies. The reason is simple: If the digital information is somehow corrupted either due to a fault or cybercrime, they have proof of the original. This is vital when it comes to things such as contracts, financial information, legal information, school exams, and other business aspects.

It is our mission to digitalise today for the future of tomorrow. In the end, we still need to print for an entire creative world that relies on high-quality printing to bring us everything from the ingredients printed on your box of cereal to the designs on your favourite shirt. At a point in the process, there is a print version that clients need to approve.

8. Digital Embellishment Is A Key Growth Driver

A massive driver of growth in printing trends SA is digital embellishment as it is a profitable way for print service providers, and commercial and in-house printers to set themselves apart from the competition.

UV spot coating in defined areas enhances four-colour digital and offset prints with exceptional 3D haptics.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

Embellishment techniques and digital varnish technologies help print service providers to take creativity to new levels which increases the premiums they charge for products.

For example, packages with specialty printing and enhancement have more than 46% higher quality feeling. Also, for instance, foil-enhanced packaging increases the rate of attraction by up to 2.5 times over the same packaging without the high-visibility enhancement. 

9. Boost Business Efficiency With Automation

Automation is continuing to deliver excellent benefits for printers in the world of printing trends SA. The industry will see more automated initiatives adopted in 2022.

Automated print workflows and inline finishing systems will save printers in human resources and costs, with jobs completed faster and with fewer errors. Automating workflows will provide printers with an opportunity to offer more complex services and receive and manage orders 24/7.

printing trends SA, the digital era and advertising with us [Konica Minolta Gauteng]

Other key areas where printers should look to automate to boost business efficiency include web to print; job submission/prepress; colour management; variable data printing; finishing; and device management.

This is also why our partnership with Midnight Monkey can help us connect the dots between print and digital for you!

10. Multiple Messages Are Key

Gone are the days when you could run an ad with lists of benefits and features. Now we have enough insights and data through our Google Analytics and SEO experts at Midnight Monkey to help our clients discover certain messages appealing to certain markets.

Printing trends SA requires businesses to adapt to the data and therefore build digital campaigns that cater to multiple audiences to remain relevant and attract conversions that are imperative to clients’ ROI KPIs.

The industry needs to implement AB testing as a multichannel practice which may seem like an expensive exercise initially. However, printing trends SA predict that this will ensure relevancy and less wastage in the long-term game.

The Bottom Line

Understanding trends is a significant way a brand can stay ahead of the curve in its marketing approach. Knowing the printing trends SA allows businesses to be agile because, in today’s world, people are fickle with shorter attention spans than ever before.

A trend, if used well, can take an underdog brand, and transform it into a top player in the market. Timing is everything, but a solid strategy, exceptional creativity, technological innovation, and a strategic execution plan can be a momentous change.

Staying on top of printing trends SA, especially in our speedy environment can be difficult. However, the more open-minded to change businesses are, the more likely they will be to capitalise on a trend and dominate conversations.

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Konica Minolta Printer Management Software & 5 Revolutionary Benefits Of Automated Smart Printing.

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